Wednesday, December 30, 2009

To go or not to go???

Hmmm, to go or not to go....
I just can't decide!
Help me decide lol..
Wish i was better with these sorts of decisions..
Cant decide whether to go to bermi for the weekend or not,
5 hours drive each way, to stay for 2 days...
But we will get to see Mum and Sheri,
although it will probably rain the whole time...
Have to work till 4 tomorrow, unless its busy and i have to stay late, havent packed, house is messy... Oh i cant decide!!
Love this pic of the little man,
such a cutie pie...
Love him so much!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


We spent most of christmas day at home this year...
it rained all day, literally without stopping,
but thats ok coz we needed it!!!
Dad and Auni came over in the morning for brunch,
and craig and tegan stopped over for a while..
we had a very late lunch, just a slap up, nothing special and then i had a nap on the lounge while the kids played with their new stuff lol....
We spent the evening out at craig and tegans,
and had a great time!!
Just a few pics from our day...
I am using my new little laptop, and dont know how to reposition the pics so they are in no particular order!!
first one is Tani with the sparklers...
relly need to learn how to do night time piccies..

Love this pic of Jed helping Tani out with her new 'ipod' thingo from their grandad!!!
you have no idea what these 2 are like, they are at each other, fighting constantly, so i loved seeing this!!
Little man and his Zebra..
Jed unwrapping pressies
Jed and his sparkler...
LOVE this pic of Zayne and his wrapping paper!!
Tani and Zayne, he got a lot more into it than i expected him to..
he was very cute!
I got very spoilt too, with a new pandora bracelet and 5 new charms, a pack of 72 watercolour derwent pencils, and a lovely handmade box from Tani filled with roses choccies..... yummo :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!!!
Hope santa brings you everything you wished for....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Back again!!

Just uploading my 2 pages from the CC at bons scraps from this weekend!!
Snack box is Flis' sketch challenge
and Summer Days is Skye's scraplift challenge.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day out with the fam...

**Edited to add, as far as i can tell Tani is supposed to be Rudolph.. lol**
We had a lovely day out yesterday, just the 5 of us.
We went down the street and wandered around a bit,
the kids got their faces painted and got a balloon each.
then we had some brunch at the coach house and
the kids got their photo taken with Santa again.
Once again will be a bit of a shocker lol,
Zayne really doesn't like the poor old bugger!!!
He cries everytime we take him near him...
Then we grabbed some lunch and ate it at the park
before we went for a stroll up to the old town bridge and back.
I got some nice pics, and everyone had a good time..
the kids were perfectly behaved the whole time
so there was no cranky mum and dad lol..
Zayne slept for our whole walk though so he missed out..
The top 2 pics are the old town bridge.
It is now closed down due to falling apart lol,
but makes for some nice piccies!!
next up is the santa ladies...
they were caroling near the PO,
they looked absolutely FANTASTIC!!
they were all dressed exactly the same and just looked really nice..
I didnt know any of these girls so i took the pic with no heads lol,
really makes ya realise the big day is getting closer!
lonesome little duck in the park..
they are such good looking creatures!
Jed and his facepaint..
I think its a classic!!
Love this one.. :D

Tani and her face paint...

oh dear girl, i wish just once you would get butterflies or fairies or just something daintly and GIRLIE!!! lol

I have got so many more pics that i love but dont want to overload lol..

have one layout done for the CC at Bons but i will wait until i upload it there before i show it here..

Apparently we are going to wagga AGAIN tomorrow so i best shuffle off to bed now..

leave me some love and i will come visit your blog!! xx

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Scrapping again!!

Just a few pages to share today,
it's a horrible day today..
the temp is currently 40.8 and it is blowing an absolute gale,
wind gusts are over 66kph!!
fair dinkum it is scaring the shit out of me.. :(
We just had a power outage as well,
and LOTS of sirens..
No idea what is going on, but i am quite worried..
Anyway, here are a few of pages I done a couple weeks ago.

^^lol this was supposed to be 8.5x11 but i forgot to cut the side down, so its 8.5x12, lol ah well!!

cant think of anything else to write while im stressing so i'll leave it at that..

Oh god, i hate the wind!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Just a quick one..

We had the most awesome rainbow last week,
it was so vibrant and colourful..
I went for a drive to get a pic that didnt have other peoples houses in it
but it was gone by the time i got there :(

So i took these pics while i was there instead.

Love the reflections in the water in this one..


These are just a couple more pics from our photo shoot..
Some of my faves..
God I love these kids!!!

Not much happening around here lately..
The weather has been so much nicer,,
in the 20's mostly intead of the 40's like it has was... Blah!
We moved our room into Tani's this week,
ready to renovate ours...
It's a tight squeeze in the little back room with our king size bed,
bedside table's and
Zayne's cot and change table..
Not to mention the built in and the 2 door's leading in/out of the room!!!!
I can't wait to move back... :)
I am pretty much organised for christmas,
still have a few lay-by's to get out and a couple of things to get for extended family,
but that's it..
I love being organised, don't know why I haven't tried it before LMAO!
Looks like we are in for a quiet one this year,
think we will have quiet picnic lunch somewhere with just us
and then out to Craig and Teeg's for dinner,
with a mixture of our family and Tegan's family..
I can't wait...
am so looking forward to relaxing,
not having to rush around getting here and there!!
Just enjoying the day with my lovely little family.... :)
That's it from me,
might try and get a little bit of scrapping done before I head to bed!!